Stan Thompson

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Stan Thompson

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Seaborgium ad Nauseum

Enough is enough, especially when the "journals" are really
no more than self-serving, post-hoc public relations press releases
disguised as if they are contemporaneously written documents.

Shame on you, Dr. Seaborg!

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The Internet is a wonderful vanity press. It is a bully pulpit that costs the author of a website almost nothing. Therefore, it falls on the reader to exercise increased vigilence while browsing websites because the the layers of "editors" and "publishers" have been removed from the information transfer process and so that anybody can say most anything without regard for the facts or truth. This website is no exception. For that reason, I have tried to provide copies of enough of the original materials so that the reader can make his or her own interpretations of the source documents that led me to the conclusions expressed here. 

Last Edited 07/21/15 --Comments to Webmaster